Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The right question will get the right answer, says Mr. Google...!

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick post as I have just had a revelation in using this blog! And the revelation has come through the trick of asking exactly the right question of Mr. Google....

As I mentioned in the last post here, I tried really hard a couple of years ago to transfer this blog so that I wouldn't have to keep signing out of my usual google email account, and signing in agin to a different account, just to be able to write a post, which I found really irritating.... 
I read many very complicated sounding sets of instructions, and I decided in the end that as it was so fiendishly difficult, (not to say liable to total loss of it altogether, and messing up of my email and google account), it would be better to just not bother, and spend some hours of my life in more useful ways!

Well it turned out that I had been asking the wrong question. So instead of saying: how do I transfer my Blogger blog, I should have been asking 'How do I change the email login for my Blogger blog'. That was the key, although I don't know how I would have known (!), that's what I did yesterday by some fluke, even though I hadn't really been thinking about it, but I just thought that it might work. 

A little video came up - an Irish guy, speaking from 2009, but nevertheless it just worked....
(Here's the boring bit if you're interested: All you have to do is go to Settings, 'add an author', i.e. the email you want to use, go to your email and accept the invitation, (signing in and out as necessary!), go back to the settings and give the new 'author' i.e. you, under a different email address, all permissions to use the blog in the normal way, and then Hey Presto! You are in, under your normal email account, and don't have to do anything tricksy!)

Anyway, it was all so easy after countless hours of failure, and all down to just asking the right question.

Narrowing down the problem isn't always easy if you're trying so hard you don't see the wood for the trees. Sometimes my determination gets in my way :-/

Proves what I already know, which is that stress stops you thinking clearly. So just remember:

Also, please look at the right hand side of the blog at the top -under the green text,  'Pages', where you can either look at all the blog archives, OR see the 'Reviews / Testimonials' page. It's not that obvious, so thought I'd point it out. I'm planning on adding a photos page for people who happen upon the blog and not the website, so you can see the location and the lovely studio itself.

Speak soon! 


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