Saturday, 9 April 2016

Podcast stardom ;-)

Today, I was listening to a podcast by Vicky Fraser (marketing expert who's advice I am trying to use via her book , 'Business for Superheroes', and her daily emails), and whoahhhhhh, what a nice surprise I've just had!!
She had said a while ago that she would use a question I asked her as the basis for one of her podcasts / daily emails, the question being about testimonials and how to use them effectively.....
Well, she read out my question at the beginning of this weekly podcast, (not totally surprising), and then there was lots of toing and froing and discussion, (she does the podcasts with her husband), about testimonials generally, and right near the end she said some really fab things about the stuff I design and make, so thank you sooooo much Vicky!!!
And you can listen here:…/6/z5/Qj/6qVgCW/UsOx8uIqsQ
It's all useful stuff if you're in business in any way, (and I've quickly realised that marketing is mostly psychology), but my starring part is about 2 minutes (ish - 23.28 min in fact) from the end where she mentions my work and is VERY complimentary " Staggeringly, staggeringly gorgeous" were her words. Phew!!! grin emoticon And this from someone who says that a spoken testimonial is worth a lot more than something written...thanks again Vicky Fraser.
Glad that she qualified my occupation from 'seamstress' to designer / maker at the end too....wink emoticon
Also, I do make wedding dresses from fabric other than tweed, but it was the tweed dress that has generated huge interest, and I'm very happy about that!
You can buy her book here, and I think it's damned good. So many ideas on any one page, I still haven't got to the end:
Please click on the link here to see testimonials of my CLASSES in pattern cutting and sewing, and for testimonials of the BESPOKE WEDDING DRESSES please go to the 'Testimonials' page (surprisingly!) of my website here:

It's been pretty much full on 'marketing self education'  (with a huge dollop of Vicky Fraser help) here at Atelier (or 'Bobbiecorps', as my husband calls it), along with my current projects: a pattern cutting masterclass at Warwick University Arts Centre in 2 weeks time (24th April), and a suede wedding dress on the go as we speak...! Cannot of course reveal any whole design images, but here's a little detail pic of the bodice: 

Speak soon!
